Passionately created by Thermomix®️ super users for Thermomix®️ users: It’s Tea O’Clock - is a Best Of Our Team collection of teatime treats. Showcasing 63 highly-rated recipes, sophisticated and time-honoured teatime treats – you can magically transform teatime into delightful and memorable moments. In this inspiring collection of tempting cakes, tarts, pudding, bread, buns, small bites, ice cream and local kuih (kuehs), you can confidently make these aesthetically pleasing creations that uses 100% natural ingredients. Celebrate life by indulging in these mood lifting delectable treats. After all, stressed is desserts spelled backwards.
Thermomix®️ 超级用户们专为 Thermomix®️ 用户倾情打造的《花样茶点》结合了我们团队最好的午后茶点系列。呈现 63 道备受好评的食谱、精致且经得起时间考验的下午茶点心——您可以神乎其技地将下午茶时段转变为令人愉悦和难忘的时刻。在这一系列诱人的蛋糕、馅饼、布丁、面包、小圆面包、小点心、冰淇淋和本地糕粿中,您可以自信地端出使用 100% 天然食材制作兼赏心悦目的美味艺术品。尽情享受这些令人回味无穷的美味佳肴所带来的生活小确幸。毕竟,甜点始终就是纾解压力的最佳良药